Santa Maria: Christopher Columbus' favorite flagship

A team of underwater explorers might have discovered the long-lost remains of Christopher Columbus' flagship, Santa Maria, off the coast of Haiti.

In 1492, Santa Maria was one of the three ships that departed from Europe towards the Americas.

It ran aground on Christmas Day, near the Caribbean islands, and had to be abandoned.

Now, a group of treasure hunters led by underwater explorer Barry Clifford believe they have enough evidence to prove that Santa Maria has been found.

"This is the ship that changed the course of human history. It is the Mount Everest of shipwrecks for me," explains Clifford.

After losing Santa Maria, Columbus returned to Spain with the two remaining ships - Nina and Pinta - in January 1493.

Barry Clifford will meet with the Haitian authorities to decide what can be done to unveil the 500-year-old mystery.

"The wreck has the potential to play a major role in helping to further develop Haiti's tourism industry in the future," adds Clifford.

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