Keiki Shorebreak, located on Oahu's North Shore, is probably Hawaii's heaviest and most unpredictable slab.
The famous Keiki Shorebreak could easily be the perfect bodyboarding wave spot in the Hawaiian Islands. It's an uncrowded line-up with deep barrels and steep drops.
Paradise, isn't it? The thing is, it hurts.
Keiki Shorebreak has certainly claimed many human bones, even though experienced riders want to get away from it with their hair dry.
The notorious Keiki Shorebreak is known for its TV-friendly smackdowns. This suicidal wave spot is not impossible to ride. Not all hollow rides are close-outs.
Bodyboarders have managed to ride the barrel by catching waves less sandy waves and starting the bottom turn very early, with the board's nose parallel to the shore.
The Keiki Shorebreak won't tell you if you're leaving the pit unharmed. Its random break is a bodyboarding lottery, which you may be willing to accept.
The airdrop is the most important skill to have when challenging the Keiki Shorebreak.
How good you're at it? A wise piece of advice would be to train it before trying the power of the Hawaiian slab.
The Keiki Shorebreak is a fun and terrifying wave at the same time. Find it and ride it, only a half-mile away from Waimea Bay.
Discover the best bodyboarding wedges and slabs in the world.
Words by Luís MP | Founder of