Sammy Morretino: the 2018 drop-knee world champion | Photo: APB

Sammy Morretino has taken out the 2018 Drop-Knee World Championships, at Praia Grande, in Sintra, Portugal.

He's done it again. The young rider clinched his second world title after defeating eight-time world champion, Dave Hubbard in a tight showdown.

Despite the thick fog and tricky wave conditions, the Sintra Pro crowned a world champion in the Jack Stance division for the second year in a row.

The new drop-knee king received the winner's cup from the hands of Eduardo Ferro Rodrigues, the President of the Assembly of the Portuguese Republic and the second hierarchical figure in the Portuguese state.

"I have no words. Me and Dave had a good matchup out there. The waves didn't provide today, but I made it two in a row. That was my goal. I'm stoked to win this trophy. It means a lot," expressed Morretino.

Sammy Morretino: tearing the waves of Sintra apart | Photo: APB

"Everybody was ripping; anybody could've taken it. I tried to change my routine a bit this year, focus more, no try to hang out or go out at night, go to bed early, cruise, eat a nice dinner, eat breakfast, stay hydrated, and it paid off."

Morretino caught the best waves of the final, but he made to sure to keep an eye on his opponent all the time.

"It was a tough heat with Dave. I had to sit on him because you can't let that guy get a wave, so I know what I've got to do when I surf against him now," concluded Morretino.

Sammy Morretino also won a surf trip to the Mentawai Islands.

20108 Drop-Knee World Championships | Final

1. Sammy Morretino (HAW) 13.50
2. Dave Hubbard (HAW) 11.50

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