The Creature: the mysterious mammal created by Surfers Against Sewage suffocated to plastics

Surfers Against Sewage have launched "The Creature," a shocking campaign that reveals how plastic pollution is slowly killing marine life.

The three-minute film aims to inspire people about the mystery and power of the ocean by reminding us that one marine mammal or sea bird dies every 30 seconds due to plastic choking.

"This is a big, big moment for Surfers Against Sewage. From our base in a small village by the seashore in Cornwall, we want to send a clarion call for the ocean all around the UK," says Hugo Tagholm, CEO of Surfers Against Sewage.

The short video features the slow death of an unknown creature after washing up on a beach. Despite being helped by a group of surfers, fishermen, and children, the animal dies at the hands of hundreds of plastic items.

The environmentalists have simultaneously launched an online petition urging the British government, and Prime Minister Theresa May in particular, to act fast on climate change, don't let sewage back in the sea and onto beaches, and fully protect sea life areas.

"If enough people see and are inspired by 'The Creature,' it could mean tens of thousands more people rallying to join us. Each person is unique and brings skills, passion, and talents to the #GenerationSea movement," adds Tagholm.

"That's what we need if we're going to get politicians and corporations to finally change their ways. The ocean needs us - and we're going to be there."

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