Isaac Thomas: he owns a couple of skimboards | Photo: DB Skimboard

Isaac Thomas owns an interesting collection of rare skimboarding DVDs. They document the evolution of the sport since the turn of the millennium.

Times have changed, and the DVDs have been replaced by an impalpable medium: YouTube. However, the spirit remains the same - Thomas is riding his board for life.

"Never Stop Skimming" is a retrospective of his long skimboarding career.

The edit includes Isaac's creative flatland glides and performances in a series of well-known spots, including Chambers Creek, Cypress Creek, Dash Point, Galveston, Port of Tacoma, Rollins Lake, Sacramento, Spanish Banks, and White Rock.

Isaac Thomas, who has named several DB Skimboards pro models, says his favorite spot is Bellingham Bay in Washington State.

"The hardest thing about skimboarding is that, when you fall and get wet and sandy, it's like running in your laundry," explains the 30-year-old rider.

"Being barefoot really adds an extra opportunity to get hurt. It's not good. My wife can definitely tell that I'm limping around the house a little bit more."

Thomas says he is always watching video clips to help him find new ways of hitting the water. And that includes, for example, skateboarding and snowboarding movies.

Hopefully, and despite being a father of twins and a little girl with little time for risky maneuvers and dangerous tricks, Isaac Thomas will continue adding extra flavors to flatland skimming's recent boom.

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