The Innermost Limits of Pure Fun
"The Innermost Limits of Pure Fun" is a film by George Greenough.
Experience remote Australia and hidden California, as ridden by Bob McTavish, Ted Spencer, David "Baddy" Treloar, Chris Brock, Gary Keys, Russell Hughes, and a brigade of the underground's best.
Check out Northern NSW in the golden era of the late 1960s, with empty perfection at Lennox Head.
This release is essential to watch because it is a cinematic masterwork of the highest magnitude.
George Greenough chronicles ground zero of the shortboard revolution as it evolved in 1968.
This highly personalized film is the prime instigator's perspective of the innovations that changed surfing forevermore.
Explore "The Innermost Limits of Pure Fun" from the inside out, with George in groundbreaking point-of-view sequences that are utterly unique.
Hear the distinctive improvisational soundtrack, scored on the spot by Dennis Dragon and Denny Aaberg with their cult band, The Farm.
Grinding organ tones and thumping bass with a collaboration of musicians with surf music and blues roots.
Financed entirely with the proceeds generated by Greenough's fishing business, this document is entirely free of any commercial restraints or advertising sludge.