"Aloha Buttons," a documentary film about the life of Montgomery Kaluhiokalani, promises to reveal fresh details about one of the most iconic surfers of the 1970s.
"Buttons" was what we usually call a legend. His bold personality - in and out of the water - reached many people, but it was his passion for surfing that really stood out.
The Hawaiian only lived 54 years. He was an ambassador of Aloha and, despite a few problems with drugs in the early 2000s, "Buttons" managed to recover his health.
At 51, he was still dropping into a few Teahupoo bombs.
"In 2013, I was struck with a liver disease that left me in a near-death coma for ten weeks. Unbeknownst to me, 'Buttons' was also fighting his own battle with lung cancer," explains Chris Frank, the director of "Aloha Buttons."
"Upon waking up from my coma, I tried desperately to get ahold of my friend Buttons, but to no avail. The next day, I learned he had passed."
"That is why I'm making this film because it's the closest I'll get to being able to say aloha to my friend 'Buttons.'"
The documentary is a collage of memories from family, friends, and fans that will weave together a captivating biography of one of surfing's greatest innovators.
After the film is completed, all proceeds will go towards Button's nine grandchildren and the non-profit organizations that he cared about.
"Aloha Buttons" is expected to premiere mid-2017.