The Hollywood rules have prevailed at Teahupoo. The entertainment industry has closed the most famous Tahitian surf spot to film the "Point Break" sequel.
They want the largest swell and the world's best big wave surfers. Brian Keaulana is taking charge of the water safety issues, and Laird Hamilton is the leading stuntman in a place he knows very well.
Lights, camera, action. "Point Break," version 2.0, is up and running. Hollywood professionals have invaded the End of the Road to capture 18-25 foot wave faces.
The film industry wants Teahupoo at its best.
Albee Layer, Billy Kemper, Bruce Irons, Dylan Longbottom, and Laurie Towner will also ride the wild beast for the movie.
Raimana Van Bastolaer, Tahiti's most accomplished charger, approves the whole media circus. He believes it will boost the local economy and bring positive notoriety to the Polynesian country.
The "Point Break 2" crew is working on a 100 million dollar budget, so there's plenty of movie gear at Teahupoo, alongside jet skis and aerial paraphernalia.
Interestingly, it was Matahi Drollet, 17, who caught the wave of the day.
Warner Bros. will debut the movie in September 2015.