The push-through or punch-through technique allows surfers to get past a small broken wave and reach the lineup without having to duck dive or turtle roll.
With a bigger board, getting out the back is often more challenging. However, sometimes, the turtle roll is not necessary.
Sometimes, you don't need to get into the water to survive an incoming wave.
All you need is to paddle hard toward the whitewater, and with the subtle yet technical push-up skill, you will get over the wave faster and effortlessly.
This technique should be performed in flat water areas and perpendicular to the wave and requires little practice.
Pushing Through Waves 101
As you approach a rolling wave, around six feet before impact, do the following:
- Paddle toward the broken wave;
- Get your legs together;
- Put your toes on the tail;
- Grab the rails with both hands near the pectorals;
- Push up, arch your back, and allow the whitewater wave to roll on top of your board;
- Continue paddling out the back;
Remember that it is easier to push through waves when you carry enough speed.
You don't want to stop and wait for the wave to reach you. Otherwise, you'll lose your balance and fall off to the side.
If the wave is too big or too powerful, you won't be able to push through it.
Depending on the board you're riding, you'll need to perform a turtle roll or a classic duck dive.
Words by Luís MP | Founder of