The Endless Summer"Time Well Spent" is a documentary about four young surfers from different difficult upbringings who have found their refuge in surfing.
The film follows Kross Brodersen (Hawaii), Henry McAlvany (Indonesia), Declan Bradley (Australia), and Yeferson Bellido (Peru) as they embark on a surf trip of a lifetime.
Despite having endured poverty, abuse, abandonment, and death, these four human beings kept their spirits high and decided to embrace the future as their only hope.
Their story is beautifully revealed through the lens of James Fazio, a surfer-filmmaker from California. Prepare to shed some tears.
The movie is an emotional rollercoaster from start to finish.
"Ever since I can remember there have been two things in my life that I love to do: surfing and helping others," explains Fazio.
"When I was young, I had a rare blood disease. I should've died, but I lived. It was a miracle. After that moment, I realized I didn't want my life just to be focused on myself."
"I wanted to give back and make the most of the second chance I've been given to me. And then one day, I realized that my life wasn't what I wanted it to be. So I packed my bags and moved to Chile."
Fazio began his adventure in Chile and later in Peru, where he volunteered in a children's home. There, he met Yeferson Bellido, one of the stars of "Time Well Spent."
Changing Other Surfers' Lives
That moment marks a new start in Fazio's life. The American surfer quickly understood that he had to share a few stories with the world.
The documentary is all about four kids from different nations and realities who share one passion - surfing.
The movie's slow pace is captivating, and the story vaguely reminds us of "The Endless Summer."
The crew travels to Mexico and Panama and finally experiences something besides home.
The adventure had its setbacks; McAlvany had his visa denied and was not able to make it to Panama.
But he lives his dream - he flies to Siargao Island in the Philippines, where he scores perfect surf.
Henry lived in an orphanage since he was five years old until now. He is 17. And for the first time, the Indonesian surfs a break outside his country.
"Time Well Spent" is all about dramatic real-life stories and how surfing helps people overcome painful adversities. You'll witness tears of joy and tears of pain.
Kross, Declan, Henry, and Yeferson are living proof that quitting and giving up is not an option.
Life can be unfair, but it has a purpose, and we've got to move on - light will always be greater than darkness.
The documentary is segmented into chapters, and the concept works great.
In the end, you wish that one day, James Fazio gathers the boys when they become full-grown adults with families and careers.