Wakeboarding: consistent waves are hard to get | Photo: James Benninger/Creative Commons

AutoWake promises a revolution in wakeboarding. The newly launched technology measures your boat's hull angles and depth in the water and adjusts ballast, gates and trim plates to keep your hull where it should be.

As conditions change - different passengers, different riders, varying fuel - AutoWake adjusts the hull to keep its depth and angles consistent. It basically works just like a cruise control system.

A consistent hull position means consistent waves and wakes with none of the frustration so familiar to users of older systems that measure the wrong things.

The company behind the latest wake development has also produced WakeTouch, the next generation of wake boat instrumentation.

The tablet-based helm system features full integration with the engine's CAN network, control of sound systems and other accessories, and intelligent control of hull tools.

WakeTouch is a complete package of technology including hardware, software, firmware, and patents.

WakeTouch is more powerful, less expensive, and more reliable than existing screen-based wake boat helm systems.

"A tablet can be mounted in a dashboard exactly like a custom screen using the same type of mounts and same waterproofing gaskets," explains Richard Hartman of WakeTouch LLC.

AutoWake and WakeTouch, while complimentary, can be implemented independently.