Planet Blow: The Dark Lines
"Planet Blow" was directed by Sylvain Demercastel and features international wave pro sailor and NeilPryde Team rider Fabrice Beaux.
See the dark side of a surf trip that will lead the characters to open their eyes about their own contradictions.
Watch the unseen and hear the untold: "Planet Blow: The Dark Lines" is not just another surf video.
Jack O'Neill plays himself and defines the project as a "new kind of surf movie." A futuristic biography of our sports and our planet.
An art quality 150-page hardback book, including photos from Maxime Houyvet, Julian Schlosser, and Sylvain Demercastel, is also available.
It's a true look upon our world seen through the eyes of wave travelers. Part of the proceeds from this project will go to the Surfrider Foundation.