Ring of Fire III
"Ring of Fire III" is a bodyboard film featuring original footage shot in many incredible wave peaks from all over California, Mexico, New South Wales, Gold Coast, Tahiti, Hawaii, and the South Pacific.
There are loads of unseen footage from all the pros in pumping Puerto Escondido and Punta Colorada.
The movie will also follow three first-class Californian riders on a two-month trip to Australia.
In addition, expect a segment of some of the best helmet cam shots from around the world.
Finally, prepare for some solid clips from the North Shore, including one of the best Pipe contests ever.
Ben Player, Jeff Hubbard, Ryan Hardy, Mitch Rawlins, Simon Thornton, Pierre-Louis Costes, Josh Garner, Dan Taylor, Matt Meyer, Jared Houston, Amaury Lavernhe, Charly Chapelet, Mike Lepiere, and John Porzuczek will be throwing airs in this hot classic.
Directed by Rob Isambert.