Strange Rumblings in Shangri La
"Strange Rumblings in Shangri La" is directed by the acclaimed Joe G and features Globe surf team riders Dion Agius, Nate Tyler, Taj Burrow, Damien Hobgood, Creed McTaggart, CJ Hobgood, Noa Deane, and Brendon Gibbens.
"Strange Rumblings in Shangri La" is a modern surf film that documents an unforgettable worldwide journey from the frigid shores of Iceland to the sultry coastline of Mozambique.
From well-known spots in Europe to exotic islands off the coast of Brazil and into deepest Indonesia, this is their greatest adventure yet.
Shot entirely in Kodak Super 16mm film and with an original soundtrack created and curated by international DJ duo the Dukes of Chutney, "Strange Rumblings in Shangri La" will be an audiovisual psychedelic surf experience like nothing ever created before.