Big wave surfer Maya Gabeira is supporting Oceana, the largest international ocean conservation organization.
The Brazilian charger will patronize the opening of Oceana's new office in her country with a new public service announcement in which she invites everyone to "help the oceans catch a break."
"I started surfing when I was 14. I've spent a lot of time in the ocean since then. I get to share that environment with all the animals - turtles, sharks, fish, everything that lives there. It's crazy not to protect it. Let's help the oceans catch a break," says Gabeira.
Maya always finds time to give back to the oceans when she's not chasing down the world's biggest waves.
In 2013, she helped create a limited edition of one hundred balsa wood longboards.
A portion of all sales of the "Maya Gabeira Single Fin Malibu" board has been donated to the environmental organization.
Since 2001, Oceana has protected over 1.2 million square miles of ocean and innumerable sea turtles, sharks, dolphins, and other sea creatures.