"Planet Ocean" is a 90-minute film directed by Yann Arthus-Bertrand and Michael Pitiot featuring the greatest natural mystery of the Earth.
The film-documentary hopes to change the way people look at the ocean and to help our children believe in a better and more sustainable world.
"Planet Ocean" also offers solutions for what we can all do to help improve the health of our oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, and the ecosystems they harbor.
Thanks to its astonishing photography, the film takes us on a magnificent and unprecedented journey into the heart of the least known regions of our planet.
"Planet Ocean" was filmed in extreme geographical conditions all over the globe and narrates the most marvelous and also the most terrifying human experiences of our time.
This masterpiece is also a plea for humanity to respect the world in which we live. It was premiered in 2012, but now it can be fully seen below.
Also, discover a few things you didn't know about the oceans.