Beach litter: two minutes can make the difference | Photo: Martin Dorey

Martin Dorey, a British surfer, has founded "2 Minute Beach Clean", a beach cleanup initiative that invites everyone to spend 120 seconds picking up a few bits of marine litter.

It's easy, it doesn't take much time, and it can change the world's beaches. In the last years, after each surf session, Martin Dorey has been picking up beach litter. But it wasn't enough.

"I was getting disheartened that what little I was doing on my own was making so little impact in the face of the problem. I figured that if all of us did just a bit, we could make a bigger difference between us," explains Dorey.

That is why he decided to use social networks to invite others to follow his actions. People liked the idea. "2 Minute Beach Clean" started growing and getting popular.

"When you're done, take a picture of your little haul on your phone and post it to Twitter or Instagram using the #2minutebeachclean hashtag," underlines Dorey on the initiative's web page.

"Your picture will appear on this page, along with everybody else's, and will help to inspire more people to do the same."

Get your surf spot free of the trash. Join "2 Minute Beach Clean" and invite your friends to do the same.

If you're still unsure, discover the estimated decomposition rates of the most common types of marine debris.

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