Rashr: a bold, bright and sustainable line of rash guards | Photo: Rashr

An Irish start-up company is producing eco-friendly rash vests made from 100 percent recycled ocean waste.

A team of three friends - Tom, Alex, and John - have created Rashr, a bold, bright and sustainable line of rash guards using recycled plastics.

The trio wanted to design and create sustainable rash vests for adventure and watersports enthusiasts without compromising the environment and contributing to a cleaner ocean to build a more sustainable future for the generations to come.

The fabric used is a high performance, sustainable techno-fabric made of 100 percent recycled polyester which comes from pre and post-consumer waste.

This includes fishing nets, carpets, and other waste, which is collected from all over the Mediterranean.

"All our vests are 50+ UV protective and have been tested by athletes in many environments. It's hard to believe that you are actually wearing recycled plastic," notes Rashr.

"Overall, we are about doing our part to keep the oceans we love clean from plastic waste and having the best time in, on or around the water, wherever that may be."

The rash vests are expected to be resistant to chlorine, suntan creams, and oils, and for long-lasting sportswear.

Each rash vest is available exclusively on the Rashr website and ranges from €40 to €70.

Rashr: made from 100 percent recycled ocean waste | Photo: Rashr

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