Surfers: don't paddle out during the novel coronavirus Covid-19 outbreak | Photo: Shutterstock

The novel coronavirus Covid-19 is a global pandemic declared - not by left or right-wing politicians - but by the World Health Organization (WHO).

You are not asked to grab a weapon and fight another human being. You are only asked to stay at home until the storm passes by.

Government officials are declaring a state of national emergency not because it is a popular measure, but because the situation is extremely complex.

After all, they know what will come next - an unprecedented global economic crisis that will affect hundreds of millions of people.

Yes, the economy must keep afloat. Yes, people need their salaries.

But first, we need to win this battle. Only those who are alive today will be able to face the financial impact that we will challenge tomorrow.

While there's no vaccine against Covid-19, there's only one way of surviving the epidemic - self-isolate and self-distance.

The novel coronavirus is a powerful and invisible enemy that spreads quickly and explores our social nature.

Playing With Fire

Despite the tragic figures, some of the world's most developed and developing nations have not yet realized what they'll about to face.

Some of these governments are either downplaying the health threat or too worried about its impact on the economy.

Countries like the United States, Brazil, and Mexico are treating the coronavirus Covid-19 like "just another flu inflamed by the media."

Nations like the United Kingdom and Australia have either underestimated the potential consequences or decided to adopt restrictive measures too late.

In less than a couple of months, what was seen by the West as a "Chinese virus," became an unstoppable tsunami that is destroying families, communities, and pushing Intensive Care unites and hospital to the brink of collapse.

Italy has one of the world's best healthcare systems, yet it wasn't able to cope with this pandemic.

There are not enough doctors, nurses, beds, ventilators, masks, gloves, medical gowns, and alcohol solutions to save lives.

Time is a critical variable when battling Covid-19. Downplaying the pandemic is a mistake that will translate into more and more casualties.

Leading by Example

One of the most common mistakes people are making during the coronavirus Covid-19 outbreak is thinking that it is safe to be outdoors.

It is not. Lockdowns are necessary, and a wise weapon against this pandemic.

If everybody decides to go for a walk, a bike ride, a run, a hike, or a surf, the virus will continue to gain ground and multiply infections.

Unlike in a standard war, the only place where you can be safe is at home.

Surfers are known for being flexible and adapting quickly to changing and difficult circumstances.

So, we have a role to play in these uncertain times. And we could lead by example.

There are many reasons to quit surfing, but this is an exception.

We will not lose our love for the sport just because perfect waves are pumping, and we have to stay at home.

Don't go surfing - for your family, friends, and loved ones.

Cancel surf trips, suspend swell hunts, and postpone plans to go surfing on Saturday morning.

Many countries are already closing beaches and coastal walkways and boardwalks to avoid agglomeration of people.

Sooner or later, when this nightmare is over, we'll resume our surfing life with renewed pleasure, passion, and gratitude for the feeling only surfers can get.

Words by Luís MP | Founder of

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