Surfing in the Czech Republic: a river wave is better than nothing | Photos:

The Czech Republic is a landlocked country located in Central Europe. There are no ocean waves, and the local surfing community must travel a long way to the nearest surf spot.

Apparently, the long-distance problem is solved.

A hardcore group of surfers has developed the first river surf spot in the Czech Republic. You can find it in Brandys nad Labem, a small town located on the banks of the Elbe River.

After getting all the necessary authorizations, the wave was set up. Surfers say they've spent more than one year to get the spot pumping static waves, but it paid off.

The access to the static wave has rules. It is only available between 4 pm and 6 pm.

Outside the surfing hours, the channel is only used by boats, and you must pay seven euros (nine dollars) to ride it.

The Brandys nad Labem river wave is not easy.

You'll be surfing in shallow water, and you can rapidly hit the bottom or the adjacent walls. Remember: boats have the right of way.

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