Ontario, Canada: Oshawa will host on the Great Lakes' first the first bodyboarding contest | Photo: OBA

Canada will host the first-ever bodyboarding contest/gathering on the Great Lakes.

The historical event will be organized by the newly founded Ontario Bodyboard Association (OBA), in association with Surf Ontario, Surf the Greats, DaFin, Hyperflex, and Wave Skater.

The event will take at the Lakeview Park Pier, in Oshawa, Ontario. The waiting period opens on October 19 and closes on November 24.

"We are looking for epic conditions so that we can show people how radical and enthusiastic bodyboard can be here on the Great Lake," the organizers note.

OBA is a non-profit sports organization that was created in 2019 by three bodyboarding enthusiasts who aim to ignite and spread the stoke in the Canadian region.

The Rebirth of North American Bodyboarding

The contest/gathering will write a new chapter in the history of the sport, as it is probably the northernmost bodyboarding event held on the planet.

Contrary to popular belief, Canada has spectacular wind, wave, and bathymetric conditions for boardsports.

On top of that, some of the country's most consistent surf breaks are generally uncrowded, if not empty.

It will also be the second event run in North America in recent years.

The first to be announced was the National Bodyboarding Festival, which is expected to take place in San Diego from November 23-24.

Both contests are fully sanctioned and supported by APB North America and Bodyboarding US.

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