Surfing For Change: ban GMOs now

Surfing For Change, a non-governmental organization, has taken a trip to the North Shore of Oahu to find out how Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are impacting the land and the people.

Pro surfer and activist Kyle Thiermann cares about the future of the Hawaiian Islands. He knows what GMOs are doing to the food we eat and to the soil we step on. In the last months, he has been inviting riders to join the cause.

Some of the world's top surfers - including Kelly Slater, John John Florence, Sebastian Zietz, and Dustin Barca - are showing up for protests against GMO corporations on the Hawaiian Islands and voicing their concerns.

Five countries produce 90% of the world’s GMO crops: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, India, and the United States. Common GMO crops include corn, canola, soy, sugar beets, and cotton.

More than 60 countries have banned or seriously restricted GMOs because they aren't considered to be safe.

In the U.S., GMOs are in as much as 80% of conventionally processed food. Nearly 90% of corn, 94% of soy, and 90% of cottonseed grown in the U.S. are from genetically engineered seeds.

Hawaii is ground zero for new GMO and pesticide testing. The largest biotech agrichemical corporations in the world (including Syngenta, Monsanto, Pioneer, Dow Chemical, and BASF) are spraying toxic restricted-use pesticides on GMO field trials near schools, hospitals, and residential neighborhoods.

People are getting sick adjacent to these test fields. But there are things we can do to change things.

Share the video, sign the petition to evict Monsanto from the North Shore of Oahu, put pressure on Hawaii state politicians, blame GMO companies, and spread the word.

Also, buy organic and "Non-GMO Project" certified foods, ask your local restaurants if they have any non-GMO menu items, and shop at your local farmers market.

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