1000 Surfboard Graveyard: Chris Anderson and his halves

The world has 20 million surfers. A study estimates that the average surfer has 2.75 surfboards. Planet Earth is, therefore, home to 55 million surfboards. Are they all being used? No, some are old, broken, or forgotten.

The "1000 Surfboard Graveyard" is an artistic project that aims to recycle and give new meaning to planks that will end up in a landfill.

Chris Anderson is a designer, surfer, and artist living in Wollongong, Australia, who wants to generate fresh conversations about new lives for unwanted boards.

Broken or old surfboards can have many new lives.

Creative chalkboards, showers, restaurant menus, bookshelves, traffic signs, letter boxes, benches, chairs, and even fences.

The "1000 Surfboard Graveyard" is slightly more innovative and creative.

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Anderson has started collecting noses, tails, and almost-complete-boards and kicked off his work. Spraying, cutting, and re-inventing everything.

Suddenly, a coffin-shaped surfboard was produced and tested in the water.

Later, a complete surfboard halves graveyard was installed on a sandy beach. The impact was tremendous, and it raises questions.

Should we let this amount of foam get into the landfill? Are we heading towards a sustainable way of living?

Surfboards require toxic non-renewable resources and energy to produce them, but they all end up in the litter, along with organic garbage.

Meanwhile, the "1000 Surfboard Graveyard" project will keep collecting surfboard halves for artistic purposes and environmental goals.

If you own surfboard halves or surfboards that are not rideable, send them to Chris Anderson. There's a new life for dead boards in the afterlife.

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