Kate Upton: ready for surfing and in the cover of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2012

Kate Upton is the newest queen of sports. The hot chick has been everywhere. She's the Beach Bunny, she is the 2012 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit cover model, and recently, she joined Skullcandy, the iconic lifestyle audio brand.

Kate Upton has been taking the place that was once occupied by Irina Shayk, Cristiano Ronaldo's girlfriend.

The supermodel has been swimming in the bikini modeling circuit, showing us the path to summer.

Sports Illustrated even decided to create special edition photograph surfboards with cover model Kate Upton and other top models' image screens printed on them.

Upton also tells us that wave curves can mean more than simple ocean waves.

The blue-eyed US girl from Michigan has already modeled for Victoria's Secret and was even named "The Woman of the Summer" by Esquire.

Sports Illustrated created 10 special edition photograph surfboards with cover model Kate Upton and other top models.

Some might not know, but Kate Upton has a very rich sporting past. She has won five world titles as an active horse-rider.

The 2012 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit star has specially designed training programs with former pro swimmer Justin Gelband.

Pilates, multidirectional exercises, kickboxing, medicine balls, and exercise bands are part of her daily workouts.

Upton, who once was accused by airport security of using her physical gifts to hide cell phones, will be hanging around to our delight.

Who will teach her how to ride waves? Watch Upton raising temperatures in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit.

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