Michael Peterson: idol, icon

Michael Peterson opens the book of surfing to teach how a bottom turn looks like in photography.

Michael Peterson

The famous picture in "Morning of the Earth".

Michael Peterson

Michael Peterson with his eyes on the horizon. He always looked worried.

Michael Peterson

The Kurt Cobain years.

Michael Peterson

The Michael Peterson moustache was a hit in the 70's.

Michael Peterson

Preparing to win another surf contest in Australia.


Michael Peterson

Relax, Michael Peterson. The surf journalists are cool. Still from "Ocean Rhythms," a movie by Steve Core. 

Michael Peterson

Smile, you've got new surfboard tails to test.

Michael Peterson

Michael Peterson with the ladies' rash guard.

Michael Peterson

Waves were Michael Peterson's ultimate destiny.

Michael Peterson

The iconic "Searching for Michael Peterson" hair look.

Michael Peterson

Michael Peterson dominating another wave curtain. Australia will never forget him.

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Kelly Slater's entrepreneurial journey has always been relatively kept under the radar, with surfing doing most of his talking. Let's take a look at how the Floridian planned the move from waves to the boardroom.

Three foreign surfers were murdered while on a surf trip through Baja California, Mexico.

Surpoel, Europe's first indoor wave pool, is already pumping waves. The Dutch structure, powered by 24/7 Waves, has entered the testing stage.

Imagine a wave that behaves like a super-fast cargo train, rushing to reach its destiny at incredible speed. This wave is real. It's called Maalaea.