Kelly Slater: the quiver for Bells Beach

What is Kelly Slater preparing for Bells Beach? The answer might be written on the surfboard quiver. The Floridian asked Channel Islands for six boards. Here they are.

At first glance, they could all look very similar, but that's not true. He is looking for well overhead waves, so small details make the difference.

"This year, Kelly has spread out his quiver a little bit - not necessarily in length but in widths. All boards with slight concave decks", explains Al Merrick.

"Margrets is a great wave to prep for Bells. The waves share many similarities, and from the look of Kelly’s 5’8″ x 18 3/8″ 5 fin squash tail out there, he could opt for something very similar. If he does change it up, you may see him on a round pin epoxy version of that 5’9″ five fin", adds Slater's favorite shaper.

The 11-time world champion is heading to Bells Beach with several options. Kelly also ordered a 6’0″ round pin 18 3/8″ x 2 1/4″ tapered at the rail with a little more volume, 2 3/8″ at the center for the biggest Bells days.

Kelly Slater quiver for Bells Beach: take a look at the tails

The thickness under the chest will allow for easy paddling and wave catching on those days or heats when jet ski assist isn’t an option, or he just wants to sneak up the point and catch a wave underneath his competitor.

From left to right, Kelly Slater's full surfboard quiver for the Rip Curl Bells Beach 2012 goes as follows:

  • 6’0″ x 18 3/8″ x 2 1/4″ Semi Pro 12 – Round Pin, 5 fin FCS, Concave Deck
  • 5’9″ x 18 3/8″ x 2 1/4″ Semi Pro 12 – Squash, 5 fin FCS, Concave Deck
  • 5’9″ x 18 1/4″ x 2 1/4″ Semi Pro 12 – Round Pin, 5 fin FCS, EPS foam, concave deck
  • 5’9″ x 18 5/8″ x 2 1/4″ Fred Rubble – Round Pin, 5 fin FCS, EPS foam, concave deck
  • 5’9″ x 18 3/8″ x 2 1/4″ Fred Rubble – Round Pin, 5 fin FCS, EPS foam, concave deck
  • 5’9″ x 18 1/4″ x 2 1/4″ Fred Rubble – Round Pin, 5 fin FCS, Concave Deck

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