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Jeff Clark, Mavericks Invitational 2011/2012 director, has unveiled the logistic and safety plan for the highly anticipated big wave competition, held at Half Moon Bay, California.

The opening ceremony gathered the world's best prepared surfers and everything is ready for a big wave riding show.

The Mavericks Surf Contest can be held on 24 hours notice, any time between now and March 31st. The waves and water areas of the Mavericks Surf Contest will be restricted to surfers, judges and jet ski support. Spectators will only be able to reach the area outside the Oceano Hotel, at Pillar Point Harbor.

"It is now more an event for the community. Changes were made for the public safety of the community, spectators and the competitors themselves" said Rocky Raynor, CEO of the famous Mavericks Invitational.

The cliff leading down from the blufftops overlooking Mavericks was also considered extremely unsafe, so surf fans should be far from the spot. There will be traffic control, barricades and limited access to the beach.

Lifeguards, police, fire protection agencies and harbor authorities will work together to ensure all safety procedures are respected. Also, the Harbor Patrol boat and several jet skis will be stationed on-scene, at the contest for the surfers' safety. Helicopters are ready for any emergency.

Jeff Clark explained that there will be a line of buoys separating the harbor patrol boats and personal watercrafts from the spectators watching from boats.

The ceremonial paddle out included the usual circle of surfers, who took part in a prayer, about 50 yards from the shore. Surf fans will be able to watch the Mavericks Invitational 2011/2012 online or from the local festival.

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