Brad Domke: always comfortable

If you're a fan of Brad Domke, then you can't miss this clip.

The man who rode the biggest skimboarding wave of all time has been named one of SurferToday's Athletes of the Year 2014. Last year, Domke conquered the wave riding world with an impressive performance in Mexican waters.

A video clip can change the life of a waterman. If Brad Domke had to pick a career moment, this would be it. Exile Skimboards brings us the full edit of that infamous summer trip to Puerto Escondido.

Watch how Brad Domke controls a classic shortboard - yes, with a set of fins - before riding the wave of his life, a fast and hollow mountain of dark green H20 (97 percent) and NaCl (three percent), on a skimboard.

In two weeks, the young Floridian did more to propel the sport of skimboarding than any other finless rider in the last decades. Please make sure you follow Brad Domke's action game on a regular basis. It is definitely worth it.

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