Bondi Beach: the Clever Buoy will warn surfers and swimmers of the presence of sharks

Sydney's Bondi Beach is testing a shark warning system that detects large predators.

The "Clever Buoy" is a trial system that involves buoys installed 546 yards (500 meters) offshore.

When the shark's distinct movements are detected, the device sends a message to the lifeguards.

The lifeguard will then warn all swimmers and beachgoers of the presence of sharks in the nearby waters. The "Clever Buoy" detects any self-propelled object larger than six feet (1.8 meters).

The shark detection system uses facial recognition technology, but it is still in the beta R&D phase. The buoy's deep water range is currently estimated at around 196 feet (60 meters).

The "Clever Buoy" is part of the New South Wales government's $16 million Shark Management Strategy to help reduce the risk of shark attacks. It will be tested for one month, 24/7.

"We think that this has the potential to be the holy grail when it comes to reducing the risk for beachgoers in New South Wales," noted Niall Blair, primary industries minister for NSW.

The SharkSmart app allows beach users to assess the risk of shark attacks at any given moment, and it displays quality images of dangerous and non-dangerous sharks for information and education purposes.

Take a look at the most surprising facts about sharks, learn how to survive a shark attack, and discover the most shark-infested waters in the world.

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